was once again represented at E3 2009. This was the second year that our video game community was presented as industry media, so we were excited to experience the event and also share the most recent news with all of our GoG membership!
Official E3 2009 GoG Flier
Along with all the new video game news and hands-on experience with many titles, it's always a unique experience to meet the developing minds and personalities behind the games we all play. Obviously the new Modern Warfare 2 was a game that everyone was looking to get information on, so when BEN had a chance to meet the Producer and 4 developers, that photo and signed copy of CoD4 was pretty neat (see below).
There are so many games at E3, the word overwelming was a key phrase we determined after the first day of action, but that doesn't mean we weren't able to meet tons of great people and get tons of highlights and news from the industry.
E3 2009 was much different than E3 2008, as it seems that the ESA is trying to bring back "E3 of old". The presentations were bigger, the hype was bigger, and the event overall was bigger. This could be seen as great for the gamer in us, but the business opportunity was decreased, because it was harder to get the more intimate connections that were abundant with last year's style of show. Even some booth babes were back...
Obviously there was a lot to see and we've highlighted our experience on the GoG E3 2009 Event Profile, so check that out for more details. The GoG Forum Discussion of E3 2009 is also a great place to chat about the event, while specific game conversations are abundant over there as well!
One of our groups favorite experiences, was meeting THE voice of Mario, Charles Martinet, who we had a chat with, got a few photos/autographs, and enjoyed his suttle ways of fitting in Mario voices into the conversation :)
Thanks Los Angeles, for another great E3 event!