Jet Set Studio, who is the unique company behind this event, captured and has shared tons of tournament highlights on www.TIPGC.com. Here are a few of the favorites.

Twitter exploded with TIPGC participants, live stream viewers, and fans using the dedicated hashtag #TIPGC. This hashtag continues to be used and has been seen in over 3,000 individual tweets from users all around the country!

This video game event, hosted in Des Moines, Iowa on 3.19.2011, was amazing. More than 45 teams competed in 4v4 Halo: Reach and 4v4 Call of Duty: Black Ops, for $7,500+ in cash and prizes. 400+ attendees represented more than 15 different states, but the biggest number is how many viewers we shared this gaming event with on the popular live streaming website, Justin.TV.
Our internal goal was 5,000 viewers for this professional live stream broadcast. We ended up with over 134,000+ viewers, who enjoyed this single day video game event from all around the world!
A special thanks goes out to the 14 sponsors who allowed us to make this event so great. Check out a bunch more information and highlights on this event's dedicated website: