This will be your FIRST CHANCE to register for February 16th's Inaugural GatheringofGamers IMAX Tournament!
We're excited to have the Star Theater jamming with your favorite video games, to highlight a newly released video game and we'll have the Star Theater setup for everyone to experience gaming like you've never seen before! Once again, we invite you to come out and enjoy some serious gaming action!
We'll have all the gaming stations hooked up again, with more Wii Bowling, Madden 08, and PS3!
Bring the family and all your friends as you won't want to miss this! Mark your calendars and spread the word about Thursday...
Games Available this month
Star Theater: TBD
"Why The Sky" Room: Guitar Hero 3, Madden 08, Wii Bowling, MotorStorm on PS3, and more
SCI/GoG Monthly Event Details
This is the LAST monthly event of exhibition gaming nights at the Science Center of Iowa, located in downtown Des Moines! February 16th's Inaugural Gathering of Gamers IMAX Tournament is here! This will be gaming on the big stage, with titles set to be Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3, and Madden 08! Registration will begin for those people at January's exhibition event and then open to the public January 18, so get ready and registered!!